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What are the best ways to get in contact with vendors?

To contact vendors, begin by browsing the search results and selecting your ideal vendor. Then, on their business profile page, find the "Contact Info" section and use their preferred method to get in touch.

Can I leave reviews or write comments on other reviews?

Absolutely! Every logged-in user can leave a review or comment on an existing one. To ensure appropriateness, reviews undergo a 24-hour processing period before appearing on our page, protecting businesses and their brands.

How can I find vendors on this website or mobile app?

Discovering vendors on this platform is effortless. Search using keywords like "kurta pajama", "horse rentals", or "DJ" – our search bar's autofill ensures no spelling mishaps. Alternatively, explore by category, with a full list available at the top or middle of the homepage. You can also directly search for specific vendors by entering business names.

Can a user leave either a fake or inaccurate review?

At Reet, we prioritize the authenticity of every review. We have a dedicated team overseeing review activity and employ software to identify and flag any questionable content. Our aim is to uphold the integrity of user reviews, ensuring they genuinely reflect each individual's experience with a business.

How much time can this app save me?

It varies by user, but many who are unsure where to start their vendor search have reported saving 3 hours or more using our platform, compared to traditional search methods.

How can I keep track of my favorite businesses?

We offer a "Favorite" feature that lets you save businesses directly to your profile. This allows you to easily revisit any business page by selecting it from your favorites list on your profile.

How can I compare businesses/vendors?

Currently, you can compare businesses and vendors by viewing your prospective choices side by side. Our platform facilitates quick discovery of potential businesses, making comparisons more efficient.

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